Saturday, 4 September 2010

Who, how, where, why...

WHO: My name is Mariola. I'm a woman and I am forty-three years old.
HOW: Ufff! I am sentimental, and a curious woman. Some times, an exigent woman.

WHERE: I'm from to Banyoles.
WHY: I want to use this blog to express my feelings. Is very dificult for me because I dont remember this language. I never had a good level but I want to learn. I think it's not too late for me.
I had study english for a long time, but that was long ago.
Forgive my bad english, sorry. With the time I will see my evolution.


  1. Good work! This will do wonders to your English level, you'll see. I recommend Wordreference, it's a good dictionary with a very interesting forum where you can find answers to questions that lots of people have asked before, or you can log in and ask yourself a question. Good luck!

  2. Well this is a good start, why not?

  3. Thank, girls. I'm very excited about this blog. This is only a start, really, a small start, but all the same, is a star.

  4. Very good, sister. But let me give you some little guidance. The following expression have a different meaning here in Britain.
    "A curious woman" is a woman that is not 100% sure about her sexuality and is playing for two teams... Ehem.

  5. Hi, Juan. I didn't know it, thanks. But you can't leave me so! Please, tell me how can I say it, that I shouldn't say anything awful.
